I'm exhausted. Mentally exhausted. The last time I was this mentally fatigued was during exam season. And it's only week one. I really need to get back on this studying track. Fast. The face for the past week has been pretty standard 'I'm about to conquer the world but first let me die a little over how many readings I have to get through' slap and go, aka the 'I don't have time but I need to still look relatively good, just in case there are any cute guys in my new classes' start of school look.
Can you tell I'm exhausted?
Anyway, my under eye circles are terrifying. Like halloween-worthy. Even with my beloved and staple Bobbi Brown Corrector, I still need to bring out the big guns. The Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit(£24.50) is the full coverage concealer I keep falling in and out of love with. We have a complicated relationship. I only need a tiny amount of this to cover the panda marks and it will stay all day. This product does work a lot better with fingers as it helps melt the product into the skin - once set with powder, it will not budge nor crease. Just the kinda thing I need to not look like I've already been defeated by school only after the first week - something my ego does not allow.
I've fallen back in love with the Topshop Brow Pencil(£6). I was sidetracked by the other pencils that came into my life along the way, but the Topshop offering will always be my first brow pencil love. If you're looking for a waxy formula, this one definitely isn't it; it reminds me more of a traditional 'writing on paper' pencil and I love it. I'm dreading the ticking down to the last sharpening.
This week seems like a discovery of old favourites as I'm back to reaching for my beloved Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blushin Exposed ($26). It's not like I've forgotten about this blush, but literally, I haven't been wearing blush for months. But being back in London where the rest of my tan has faded faster than snow in an oven, I'm back to needing some kind of 'I still have blood running through my veins' faux flush. Plus, this has a natural soft sculpting look that I'm craving for but can't be bothered to contour when I'm just trying to figure out my timetable for the term.
But just in case you're tired of products that I've showcased and banged on about on the blog various times before, I'm throwing in a new find that I'm loving. I've been on the winged liner trend for the past couple months and while I love my pen liquid liners, I've been wanting to re-challenge the traditional liquid liner - the kind that I naively tried to conquer the first time I ever used makeup and ended up drawing a third eye. I don't know if it's my technique that has matured or if the liquid liners nowadays have some magical power, but I haven't failed a flicked-liner with the Collection Fast Stroke Eyeliner(£2.99). It does take a while to dry so don't blink*. But once it sets, it's not going anywhere. I wore this for 12 hours once and the wing was still intact - well, one was, the other was accidentally wiped off when I forgot I was wearing eyeliner and rubbed the corner of my eyes. But yeah - that's all my fault.
Why is it already Sunday? Can't we have a second Sunday? The first one to duvet day and the second to actually panic over the work that I should've already finished? Someone needs to change the calendar. And no, first Sunday isn't Saturday. #perfectlysoundlogic Go to bed, Daphne.
*virtual molten cake to those that got the reference!