You know those bits of makeup that just sit around the first couple weeks they're in your collection? It's not like you're not aware you bought them, nor do they not excite you; it's just, you never got around to using them. Whether you've been distracted by some other new bits, or you've just been sticking to a routine with the fail-proof products. Yeah, we've all been there. The pictured three are of the same situation, but I'm finally ripping open the packaging and putting them on trial.
I've been requested to 'dump out your bag so we can rummage through it, please' more times than I can count and well, let's just say I always clean out my bag before I remember that I have to make note of the contents. But that said, I have one of those 'mini bags' that I place in whatever bag I'm carrying that contains the essentials. With school starting, this mini bag stays mostly in the tote I use for school with only the rest of my notes and binders being swapped out. I've emptied the majority of my mini bag out for you guys to have a poke around as it's probably the most interesting bits of my bag. I mean, unless you want to read my scrawly notes on comparative theory...
I think it's safe to say that each one of us here have a makeup stash that'll barely fit into one normal-sized makeup bag. It's sad to say that not all products were created equal - some are just more favourable than others, but that doesn't mean it's easy to pick which child gets the most love. So when Tasha tagged me to do 'the one and only tag', it was the moral struggle to pick the favourite child when they're all your babies. But I suppose it'll be nice to refer back to this post if somehow, someone steals all my makeup. I mean, we all know that's where the majority of my money goes anyway.
I've decided that rather than confusing myself with calling this series 'currently loving' and overlapping all the products with my monthly favourites, I'm renaming it to 'in rotation' to show you guys which products I've been reaching for and a quick verdict on them. Capiche? Are we all okay with that?
See what I did there? Isn't it clever. Okay, okay, I know. I'm aware my puns have reached a new low and I'm not proud of it okay? Just bear with my fall. Heh heh - fall. Anyway, I've been shuffling around the makeup display lately and brought back some products that have been neglected when I was too busy trying to not suffocate under the heat.
Ever since I started wearing makeup, I don't think I've settled for anything resembling a 'routine'. Most often, I'd get restless and want to use everything. There have been short intervals of a routine when life was too busy sucking brain power and left me too uninspired for anything creative in the makeup world, but it'd rarely be longer than a week. However, ever since starting my masters degree more than two weeks ago, I've been too occupied over not breaking down over the workload and every weekday morning has resembled more or less the same zombie 'slap and go' routine.
I'd like to think I'm a person that makes up my mind fairly quick. And that's usually the case, I'll be the one that's impatiently ticking their fingers as I wait for the rest of the party make up their mind on which burger they're going for. But while I make a lot of big life decisions in a throwing my hands up in the air 'ugh, f*ck it' kinda attitude, I've been known to torture my friends as I've umm-ed and ahh-ed over things for the longest time. The same goes to makeup products, I can usually make up my mind on if I'm adoring the product or not quite soon and stick to it. But then there are the ones that I'm teetering on the fence over.
I love buying things but I hate spending money. Perfect logic. I think it's more evident than the sky is blue, but I'm a student with a bad shopping problem. As a student, I'm definitely going to have periodical stress - you know, exams, essays, course selection and so forth. Some people binge eat, some people stress shop. Me? I do both. But as I said, I hate spending money so I've developed an online shopping process that has somewhat saved me a couple bucks here and there.
It's not a secret that I have a bad shopping habit. The reception person downstairs in my new flat knew me as 'the shopacholic' not even a week after I moved in. Alas, I don't have a personal genie that's able to supply me with unlimited cash. So as the poor, poor student that uses stress as her shopping excuse I am, my favourite buys are those that are fantastic while still being nice to the bank account by not cratering a catastrophic wreck.
If you grew up on Disney movies, you'll understand it when I say sequels are never as good as the originals. The only exception to that is Toy Story 3, I cried like a baby having it's favourite toy taken away throughout the movie - it was almost embarrassing. Except it wasn't because for those of you that are around my age, you'll understand how the last installment of the Toy Story was a grand finale to childhood. The end of an era. Back to the point, sequels never live up to the originals, but hopefully this sequel to the post that I did near six months ago will be on par. After all, it is a game changer - see what I did there?
For some reason, a lot of my friends are red people. Red shoes, red blazers, red lipsticks, red name it and I can give you a friend that has it. But I've never been a red person - the closest I've been to a red person was in my teenage years when I had the shortest fuse and would see red all the time. However, maybe from the influence of my red friends, I've been warming up to the colour.
I'm exhausted. Mentally exhausted. The last time I was this mentally fatigued was during exam season. And it's only week one. I really need to get back on this studying track. Fast. The face for the past week has been pretty standard 'I'm about to conquer the world but first let me die a little over how many readings I have to get through' slap and go, aka the 'I don't have time but I need to still look relatively good, just in case there are any cute guys in my new classes' start of school look.
I'm definitely going on a spending ban. I am definitely broke. I definitely do not need any new makeup. I definitely am not going to be persuaded to join in on a cross-Atlantic beauty haul. Oh, the lies I tell myself. But yes, there was a lapse in sanity as I decided to once again, throwing all caution to the wind, join in with Jaye's Sephora haul. I told you this girl's terrible for my bank balance. Anyway, instead of the whole 'tree falling and no one around to hear it' 'sweep it under the rug' approach, I decided to dedicate my 300th post to the cross-Atlantic new kids. (I know, THREE HUNDRED POSTS - this is how much I ramble on and on about pretty things)
Neutrals work. That's why 95% of my overflowing eyeshadow collection could write up its own 50 Shades. And then there's the remaining 5% - other than an embarrassing collection of bright blue eyeshadows carried over from my younger days, the rest is composed of the coloured neutrals. You know, those colours that aren't the typical browns and taupes, the muted rainbow children, if I may.
Neutral palettes are about as new as the Lord of the Rings trilogy but despite that, I still always get excited when someone proposes a Tolkien marathon - just like how a good neutral palette will always make my heart flutter. With the bajillion neutral palettes out there, many have come and gone through my collection, while only few have stayed. With the Urban Decay Naked Basics as the queen of the batch, I didn't think any palette would come close to usurping its regime. And then the Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette (£32) made its dramatic entrance.
I've been around the world - in fact, I've been to five of the seven continents. I like to flip through all the passports I've had in the past to look at all the different custom stamps. Sadly, opposite to my travel history, my makeup collection is pretty confined to several countries. That said, there are a couple foreign ones in my collection that have really impressed me and pushing me to look outside the box.
Eek! I start school again tomorrow! I'm equal parts nervous and excited, especially as this year is going to be intense - even more so than last year as I'll actually get a degree this time round. The past week was induction week and I've been bombarded with a tonne of information, I can't imagine what it's like for the students that also have to get used to the school. I've finished my course selection and fingers crossed I'll be able to articulate my thoughts during the initial dissertation interview later this week. But before then, let's go back and see what I've been up to the past couple weeks.
Ah, but if all things lived up to expectations and nothing disappointed, would we truly appreciate the good? Too philosophical? My point is, not everything can be amazing, some things just sadly, fall short. The same falls to the abundant amount of beauty products I purchase and own. Some people think of these as negative posts, the let downs, but for me? I'd like to think of it as 'a form of appreciating the products I'm in love with' or as a guide to those of you out there that are on the brink of trying these finds.
My skin is more temperamental than a teenager, but luckily, it's also slightly easier to calm down. Or at least get things more or less under control. I don't repurchase a lot of products because I get bored of them, and that applies to skincare. But unlike makeup, when it comes to switching up skincare, it's always going to fall within a brand I'm similar to, and possibly the same range.