[the update] Jaye, fever, and loads of food. #26/27
(Shh! I know this one was supposed to be up last week, but let's not advertise that) The past couple of weeks started out great and then, well, went downhill from there. First off, I met up with the lovely Jaye again. I know, from the amount of times this little lady has been mentioned on the blog, you'd think that we knew each other for ages, but can you imagine, when this photo was taken, it was only the second time we'd met? She came around midweek for chats, pizzas and loads of tea.
I went around to her house that same weekend, where we spent an afternoon filming and having way too many laughs I think I started to form abs. Good exercise. Dangerously, she lives close to a outlet complex where she made me go into The Body Shop and break my spending ban. But since I wasn't even supposed to be spending money in the first place, bad luck followed as my friend accidentally smashed the candle I bought the same day that evening and a week later, I lost the cap to my Aloe Lip Care. Kids, when you're not supposed to be spending money, don't.
So the week started going downhill after visiting Jaye's. I started to come down with a fever the next day and it continued on Monday. I finally shook that, but ended up being completely dizzy and disorientated for the rest of the week. I felt bad for not being able to make it to my last week of classes but already having a hard time walking to the kitchen, I don't think I could've made it onto the tube and then walking to school. To make things worse, it was deadline week and I had two essays due. Fortunately, I had already done the readings I needed for them and it only took a couple of days and some pain killers for me to be able to sit down long enough to type them up. Fortunately, they were coherent and in time.
I celebrated end of term with some friends, we headed out for dinner at Pitt Cue Co. Not being a massive meat person, the pulled pork sandwich was divine! But of course, the dish I loved most was the wild spinch and mushroom dish that they made - so buttery, so garlicy, so yum! It was nice just trekking around Soho, going for gelato and then some Japanese tapas, just chatting up with friends that I haven't seen in a while. Oh and if you guys are looking for good London eats, my friend Cherie runs a youtube channel that's about just that. Foodies should definitely check out her channel anothersundayvideo!
With essays finally over and a much-needed break started, I've been having some time to chill and hang out with friends before I need to start getting ready for exams. There has been a lot of food dates lately, and well, I don't think I still have my full-blogger mode on yet as 90% of the time, I'm already down to crumbs before I remembered I didn't take any pretty pictures of sorts. Oops!
I also started running again as I've been feeling all yuck from the sickness and the constant binge eating to get through the end of term. A running buddy that's able to push you is my must need for running as I'm the kinda person that'll think, but I'm just so tired! My fellow estrogen flatmate is ridiculously good at that and between me constantly pestering her to go out for a run and her edging me to pull through the last quarter mile and reminding me to pace myself, we make a good team!
What have you been up to lately?