February Favorites 2014
[MAC Speak Louder | Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Foundation | Trilogy Rosehip Oil | Tarte Amazonian Clay blush | Benefit That Gal | Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal | The Body Shop Honey Bronzer]
Technically, it's already March, but if you think about it, it's only been 31 days since the last favorites post and well, I don't think I'm late on schedule yet. Between school, being sick and meeting up with old and new friends, the 28 days of February went by quicker than I could fully fall in love with the array of products I've been trailing out.
The past month was a massive spending month and as products keep coming in, I've been in rotation with a lot of them, so it's been harder than usual to pick out staple favorites for the month. But that being said, I still wasn't able to put down a handful of products. I haven't been able to stop using the Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Foundation (review here) ever since I got it. I would've thought that the mineral foundation would be a hassle to use, but I've found that I can cut my foundation time down by two-thirds on the day I use this as it's a dream to buff into the skin. I love pairing this with The Body Shop Honey Bronzer to bring back a little color back into my face and create some lovely cheekbones. This is definitely one hype that I'm glad I gave into!
I've raved on and on about the Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Exposed on the blog and over on twitter for the past month. And rightly so. This might seem boring in the pan, but it's the perfect nude pink that's a no-brainer, fail-proof colour that I've been reaching for every day. Seriously. I need to hide this pretty one away, otherwise my other blushes will be weeping thinking they've been abandoned. Another product that I've raved on and on about has been the Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal. While I'm still completely smitten with the offering in Nude, this month I've been falling back in love with this shadow-perfect shade in Taupe. I couldn't be bothered with eyeshadow around half the month, but even on the days when I'm only dolling with mascara, I still like definition on the bottom lash line. This eyeliner creates either the subtle shadow, or if I want to be slightly Olsen Twin, a bit more liner and a lot of smudging later, it's that effortless meh, I always look like this kinda pretty look. While I've been keeping it simple with the eyes, I've been sporting more of a brighter lip to keep things spunky. I've been head over tails for the blue-toned pinks for months now, and the lipstick that I've been reaching for the most has definitely been MAC Speak Louder. I was showing my face while wearing this lipstick in this post if you want to check it out.
I was pretty sick the second half of the month and my skin was dull and yucky as a result. I dug the Benefit That Gal Brightening Primer out of the back of my stash and fell in love with it over again. Not only does it smell ridiculously yummy, the pink primer instantly combats the dull yellow in my skin and brightens up my complexion. Resulting in me looking more or less alive. And to further perk up the skin, I've been adding the Trilogy Rosehip Oil into my facial oil rotation to combat the blemishes that have been popping up with the cold.
Like I said in the beginning, February was a bank breaking month for me so with March already starting, so has my spending ban. And this time, it's a spending ban that's not to be broken. How was your February? Any favorite products? And who's on a spending ban with me?