This Week #3


I finished the last exam of my last conventional year in uni! 
(I'm taking an extend year abroad, but more on that later...maybe?) 
It's definitely a relief in a way but at the same time, it's the door open to a scary, unpredictable future.
And I don't handle unpredictable things really well. Grrr- 
Anywho, onto what happened this week! 

01. LOOK WHO'S HERE! (It has the Japanese packaging) 
02. To celebrate the end of the semester, someone decided to dye the school foundation a neon green (I swear, I did not edit this photo in any way)
03. I tried out the sample for this hair mask from Living proof.* and I LOVE it. I couldn't stop touching it!
04. Pizza and meatballs. Need I say more? 

So it's officially the start of summer today! My team lost the NBA finals (time difference, we have it on Friday morning), I tackled two exams with two hours of sleep, three cups of coffee, and an empty stomach. Probably not the best idea as my hand was madly shaking in the afternoon and I couldn't write properly. Also, my phone has evidence that I texted my friend a bunch of crazy messages that did not make sense, but I don't remember sending them? 
Another reminder as Google Friend Count is going to be removed on the First of July, if you want to follow my blog and have the latest updates, subscribe to my bloglovin account! You can click the nude lady on the right or the "follow" button under my name at the end of the post. (I like it when there are choices.)
How was your week? Let me know in the comments and have a fabulous weekend! 

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