Advanced Repair? I think so! - Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair


Serums are a fairly new addition to my skincare routine, but I think they're here to stay. 
I initially bought the Advanced Night Repair for my mom but the lady at the counter took one look at my blemished face and threw in a small travel size. She told me that she used to have bad acne before she started using this serum. Now, I don't know if that's just a line or not but ever since I started having a skincare routine, my mom has always told me that serums were for more mature skin and that using too rich a product would only feed the acne to grow. So least to say, I was skeptic as to if this serum would be appropriate for my skin.

I put this on hold for a few days until I came back from America so I could see if it would really benefit my skin when I was on my usual skincare routine. 
I was breaking out massively. It was so bad that my dad actually looked at me and pointed to my chin before asking, "I don't think your face is supposed to look like that." My dad, people, MY DAD. This is the man that did not notice when I dyed my hair chestnut red and cut off almost 8 inches.
Back to the topic.
It didn't take long for me to notice the difference before and after I used this. My mom says that my blemishes are as stubbron as the person they're growing on, and true, my blemishes usually take a few days to go away. And that's not counting the days that it takes for the redness to fade. 
But the angry red that took up approximately 90% of my chin and cheek area faded just after a couple days use. I was so happy when I looked in the mirror and could see my skin peeking through! 
I've been using for a couple of weeks now and my skin has gotten a lot better. 
I use it every night after applying my acne medication and toner. I only use it where I have serious blemishes, my chin and cheeks. After two and a half weeks of daily use, I have only gone through 1/3 of the travel sized version. I still have new blemishes and old scarring to take care of, but the time that these pests are on my skin is considerably less than before I started using the Advanced Night Repair. It's so good, I already have the full size bottle sitting in my skincare stash, waiting to be used when I finish this travel size version. 

I'm interested in the eye serum from the same line Estee Lauder offers, has anyone used that before?

Have you tried Estee Lauder's Advanced Night Repair? What are your thoughts on it or do you have another repair serum that you like?