Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty #tag
This is definitely a tag to remember as it's the first time I've officially been tagged (does it sound sad?)
The lovely Rebecca tagged me, she runs a great blog so be sure to check her out!
Now onto the tag!
1) Follow and link up the person who tagged you
2) Answer the questions on greed, wrath, gluttony, sloth, pride, lust and envy.
3) Tag as many people as you wish! Be sure to let them know!
4) Let the person who tagged you know that you did the tag by linking up in the comments!
Greed- what is your most expensive beauty item?
My Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair. Well, technically it was a gift from my parents so I while I own it, I didn't pay for it myself. I did a review on this gem before so I'm not going to talk about it too much here.
The most expensive product that I own and paid for myself is the Bobbi Brown Long-Lasting Foundation - I paid NTD1800 for it (around $60). The shade is great, the lasting power is great but the foundation itself, I didn't really like. Read my mini review on the foundation here.
Sloth- which product do you neglect the most due to laziness?
Lips - I haven't really gotten into lip products yet (shocking! I know!) so I usually skip lipstick and all that and just use a lip blam or a tinted blam stain, like the Revlon Just Bitten. But I do LOVE spending loads of time using the Lush Lipscrubs - I end up eating half of the product, but it's so yummy!
Wrath- which item do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Eyeliner. More precisely, liquid liner. It takes forever for me to properly do an even line with liquid liner. Probably it's because I haven't found the right one yet but I'm sticking to my pencil liners and gel liners for now.
Gluttony- what brand makes up most of your make-up collection?
My collection is pretty brand-diverse. I have a little bit of everything. But for the sake of the question, I did a head-count of my products and the brand with the most items is Maybelline. Mostly color tattoos and mascaras.
Pride- which product gives you the most confidence?
Concealer! I never had dark circles before last year and since then, I've had the compulsive need to cover them up. And I've been breaking out pretty bad lately, so to cover those angry red blemishes - in with the concealer!
Lust- which item is at the top of your beauty wish list?
Perfect skin.
But if we're talking about something that you can actually buy (and doesn't involve a skin transplant..)
Oh man, tell me I'm not the only one that has an ever-growing beauty wishlist on their phone?
What's on the top of the wish list changes from day to day but the Chanel vitalumiere aqua has been on it quite a while, as well as Stila Kitten eyeshadow, Stila convertible colors, Origins Ginzing eye cream, the Clarasonic, the bumble & bumble beach spray, the never ending list of nail polishes...I'll shut up now.
Envy- which make up product/look is great on others but not yourself?
Bold lips. I think it's because I'm just not used to wearing any lip color yet. I love the bright pink lips, the coral lips, the classic reds, but I feel like it's not something that I'm ready to pull off yet. But I did wear a coral lip the other day and my friends said that it was really pretty. I'm not sure if they were just being nice, but that definitely boosted my confidence so I'm more willing to trek into the world of lip colors! Leave your favorite lip colors in the comments below so I can try them out! xx
Tag time! I tag:
and anyone else that wants to do this!
(Check out the blogs of these lovely ladies!)
Remember to leave me a link below so I can read your answers!
Don't forget to subscribe to me on bloglovin!

(Check out the blogs of these lovely ladies!)
Remember to leave me a link below so I can read your answers!
Don't forget to subscribe to me on bloglovin!