Or also known as 'the list of people that make me think I have a bajillion dollars to spend'. If you know me, I'm quite easy to convince to buy something if I already have half a heart to do so. But then there are the people that can talk me into buying something that I never even had my eyes on.
For blush recommendations
Vanessa at Citron and Guavaberry: I say 'blush recommendations' but realistically speaking, 99.9% of the things she puts on her blog goes on my wishlist immediately. I mean, have you seen the mindblowing photography skills of this person???? I swear, she could even take a photo of a toilet-brush and I'd buy it. Owning 50+ blushes, she did a roundup of the best here. That aside, she has in depth blog posts that are laced with humour, I've learnt to not drink liquids when preparing to read it. The only issue I have with her is that she doesn't update frequently enough. *hint hint nudge nudge*
Katy at What Katy did...: I've been wanting to find a signature scent for a while now, but it wasn't until long twitter chats with Katy did I finally get a good grip of things. I have no idea how many beautiful bottles this girlie has, but every perfume I pitched at her, she was able to give me a small review. Seriously, send this girl a tweet if you need help with finding a perfume. Okay, I lie, she did do a post of her collection that you can read here.
She talked me into buying... Chloe EDT
For expensive recommendations
Anya at Crazylins: this girl is not good for my bank account. I've already braved Oxford Street with her once, and well, it was bank-breaking. But that said, Anya's recommendations are spot-on as we seem to have similar tastes in products and after trying at least 90% of the beauty hall, this girl knows her stuff. Plus, her blog posts are concise and straight to the point, something that I need to learn.
She talked me into buying... the above mentioned post and the Burberry Sheer Concealer. Also pajamas.
For the 'please give me your makeup collection'
Jaye at Bed in the Kitchen: I was debating with myself as to if I should even stick this girl in here as I'm sure you guys all know how much I adore this bundle of crazy. I'm not going to go into how wonderful she is as that would take up too much page-length, but in short, top quality daily posts, photography skills to drool over, and a makeup collection that I want to smuggle out of the country, Jaye's blog is definitely one that you should follow.
She talked me into buying... this post, Rimmel Match Perfection foundation, lipcote, and a bajillion other things.
I find that while I like to read established blogs and they do have the ability to make me want a product (cough, Suzie, cough) , but usually not until I read a 'smaller' blogger review the item do I actually move it from the wishlist to the 'to buy' list. Just me?
I realize I've never done this kinda post before and the list I've featured is probably obvious, but I have several more blogs on the list that I'm wanting to share with you guys that's on a list of their own. What are your enabling blogs?