operation one in one out
With the positive results of Operation Mascara, for the sake of skimming down my larger than necessary makeup collection, to improve my bad budgeting skills and my bank account, I'm calling Operation One In One Out into place.
Basically the idea is that I won't be buying anymore new makeup unless I use one up, or toss one out. It's one for one, meaning that my makeup collection, in theory, shouldn't be growing, and I can try to control my shopping sprees. There's no deadline as to when Operation One In One Out will end, I think it's a good way to monitor myself as there's nothing that I'm lacking at the moment, in terms of makeup. Well, there's that waterproof mascara I still need to hunt down for an upcoming vacation, but that's the only exception. Recommendations anyone?
Have you tried the 'one in one out' rule to try and control the growth of your makeup collection? Or do you have any of these 'operations' in play?