disappointing packaging
I'd like to think I'm a practical person but my overwhelming makeup collection says otherwise. After doing a whole post on pretty packaging, I decided to embrace my practical side and show you the products that I love for what's on the inside, even when the outside is terrible.
Let's get the controversies out of the way first. MAC Lipsticks, like the rest of the beauty world, I love the sleek black bullet. What I don't like is how it's impossible to identify the shades in the permanent collection short of flipping it over and looking at the butt, or pulling off the cap. In cases like this, I'd normally store them upside down, but the bullet tip makes it a bit hard to balance without toppling over. The tarte Glamazon Lipsticks is a tough one. On first glance, the packaging is adorable - I love the bamboo packaging and the print in the shade of the lipstick is adorable. But, there's always a catch, it's deceiving. Almost half a size bigger than the MAC lipsticks, it's disappointing to twist up the tarte lipsticks to find that you have the same amount of product as the MAC ones. It just takes up unnecessary space and gives unrealistic expectations - be ecofriendly and cut out the deceiving bits, tarte!
I raved about the tarte packagings before, but surprisingly, another one of their product's packaging was questionable, at best. I'm not going to comment on the design of the tarte Cheek Stains as I know it's been revamped to something a lot cuter, but I doubt the tube function has changed. It's one of those products that you have to push from the bottom and it will elevate up, but weirdly enough there isn't a 'go back down' mechanism attached. Meaning if you accidentally push it up too much, the only way down is if you smoosh your finger in it and force it down. Weird, eh?