Or also known as 'the list of people that make me think I have a bajillion dollars to spend'. If you know me, I'm quite easy to convince to buy something if I already have half a heart to do so. But then there are the people that can talk me into buying something that I never even had my eyes on.
With the positive results of Operation Mascara, for the sake of skimming down my larger than necessary makeup collection, to improve my bad budgeting skills and my bank account, I'm calling Operation One In One Out into place.
I'm sure you guys are already sick of me talking about this, but exams. As this post goes up, I'll be preparing to go into the room to take my first exam of my last year of uni. Nerve-wrecking much? As a result of revision and trying to get in as much sleep as possible, my makeup routine has been crammed down to 5 minutes to try to look awake and composed.
Another week has gone by and I'm starting to understand how confusing the English weather is. In the past couple days, I've experienced thunderstorm to sunny 'like nothing ever happened' kinda day within short hours. It keeps me on my toes.
I'm 99% sure that every girl went through a purple phase some time in their life. I went through a couple of them - some resulting in all purple Barney-esque clothing on a daily basis, some resulting in an all purple pencil case, one had me dying my hair a deep dark purple and of course, now I'm bitten by the purple makeup bug. Specifically the dusty, slightly minky purples. It's such a sophisticated shade and adds the perfect hint of colour to the otherwise neutral look.
It's not often that I add new skincare products into my routine. I'm quite blemish prone so when I find something that works, I'm terrified to swap things out for fear that I set off the fiesta I managed to wrangle under control. That said, I got into a skincare dump a while back and decided to test out a couple of new products.
The past two weeks have been a perfect blend of excitement and boring. I turned 23 last week, but it was a pretty average day as I was planning on celebrating over the weekend with friends rather than in the middle of the week.
I'd like to think I'm a practical person but my overwhelming makeup collection says otherwise. After doing a whole post on pretty packaging, I decided to embrace my practical side and show you the products that I love for what's on the inside, even when the outside is terrible.
It's no secret that I'm a tea freak. For reference, I have a tea collection that can almost put my makeup collection to shame. And at the rate that it's growing, well, I'll probably need someone to go Boston Tea Party on my some time to use up the stash. I'm pretty brand-loyal with my tea and teapigs takes up a good half collection.
Let's get the pesky announcement out of the way first - there will be scheduling changes in the next several weeks as revision/exam stress is starting to hit me. Hard. So instead of four times a week, the schedule will be changed to Tuesday, Friday, and hopefully, the regular Sunday posts. I'll try to keep up with everything, but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. #schoolstress #startstudyingearlierkids
I am the kind of person that has almost everything scattered everywhere. Surprisingly, I'm still pretty much organized, as in I know where the thing I want is in the mess. Or at least most of the time. The same goes for my makeup - but scrambling around to get a blush that's on the bed and a foundation on the closet shelf isn't the most time-saving thing, especially on mornings when I've hit the snooze button several too many times.
Happy birthday to me! Some people like to go out and party all night (and maybe day) for their birthday. Me? I'm the kinda girl that'll be happy with night in with friends and maybe grab a dinner with friends. But all in all, it's a pretty relax and laid back kinda day. The makeup reflects that day, so it'll seem kinda bland and simple as I don't rock the usual birthday red lip or smoky eye look. But I thought some of you would still want to see this, and also, consider this an updated everyday makeup look.
This week, I'll be seeing how much I can squeeze out of my birthday week. To kick things off, let's start with the amazing transatlantic birthday gift that arrived a couple weeks ago. If you follow me on twitter, then the crazy conversations between Vanessa and I shouldn't be strange. Even if you don't, then her enthusiastic comments on almost every post should be able to catch your attention. She was one of the first people that started reading this blog back when it still had a culinary name - which we bonded over. After finding out that I had an impending birthday, she sent over a box crammed with all sorts of goodies to help soothe the depression of another year passing.
It was a slight challenge to put together this week's update as I haven't really been doing anything exciting. Activity is starting to simmer down as the new term starts and exam season comes closer. I don't start my exams till late May, but with a year's worth of stuff to revise, I really should start cracking.
Let's get this out first, I'm on a tight budget for the moment. Or rather, I'm supposed to be on a tight budget. But as a person that has no impulse control and let loose in a cosmetics outlet alongside another friend that has no intention of stopping me from going into debt, ahem Jaye, well, damage happens.