it's all about YOU today


You guys put up with my rambling several times a week, so today we're turning tables (Adele anyone?) and the spotlight is on you guys today. I'm going to sit down next weekend post-exams and blueprint SoaD's future and I want to know what you guys want. After all, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for each and every one of your support. 

So in return, tell me what kind of posts that you like to read or would like to see more of in the future. Also feel free to leave comments telling me which kind of posts you don't prefer. I'm going to try and take everyone into consideration when reconstructing the future of this little corner of the internet. 

Also, I hope this isn't wishful thinking, but do any of you have any questions for me? I'm thinking of compiling a Q&A post for you guys to get to know me outside of the realm of bad budgeting and crazy talk. If there's anything you want to know, beauty related or not, just leave them in the comments below, or feel free to send me an email if you'd prefer. Don't be shy! Ask away! 
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