Let's face it, blush is terrifying. I remember being traumatized by the image of a clown and refusing to go anywhere near blush when I first started wearing makeup. Hindsight it always 20/20, it wasn't until much later did I realize how much life could be injected with a light sweep of the brush. Today I'm sharing my top 5 blushes perfect for blush newbies, the ones that you don't need to worry too much about looking like a clown, even if slightly too heavy handed.
I think it's too easy to get stuck in the search for the next milestone and forget to slow down every day life to realize the rainbow in a bubble, or the perfect daisy besides the road. I'm starting to make habit of carrying around a notebook and writing down the little things. I thought that I'd share some of the ones that I have so far.
People constantly keep telling you that you don't need to be a size zero. You don't need to be skinny. You don't need to look beautiful, you don't need to put on make up. And it's true, you don't need to. But it doesn't always mean that you don't want to.
As this post goes up, I'll probably be enjoying the sun by the pool while counting down the hours to sangaria hour. I'm off to Sardinia for a week with friends to unwind from school stress and just relax. While I'm not going to be putting on much makeup (if any!) during the day, I still have a small collection of products for a day's exploration in the cities or a night out.
If you follow me on instagram, you might have noticed that I went to the Royal Ascot last Friday. If you don't know, basically it's an annual horse racing event that the Queen attends every year. There is a dress code to be 'formal' and headpieces are usually the center of attention. Other than the actual race, of course.
I've been on vacation for a week now and it's definitely been activity packed. It's been beautiful the past couple of days and I'm definitely switching up my makeup to meet the change in the weather. I don't understand why people say London is gloomy, I've been experiencing quite a bit of sun the past month. Or maybe I just had really low expectations?
As someone that runs a beauty blog, I have my larger than normal makeup collection. I would always get excited with the new releases, and would be that person who would go into the shops for toothpaste and come out with two bags while still forgetting the essentials.
Eyebrows are the bane of my existence. I ignored them for ages, never believing that a trim of the bushy hairs on my face could make a difference. But they're like the frame for the Mona Lisa: without, it's still great, but with it, the painting is complete. Now I'm not saying my face is great, but well groomed brows definitely make it a lot better than what it originally was.
As the rest of the face makeup melts off in heat, lipstick seems to be the way to go for a put-together look. Gone are the cool-toned pinks as the corals and oranges come out to play. I tend to wear a bolder lip in the summer as I don't have to go to class. I always think wearing a bold orange lip to class is just out of place, like it's not serious enough to be academic. And the fact that I'm picking my lip under class stress doesn't help either.
Some of you mentioned that you would like to see a Q&A post/video, so well, I guess it's time to ask you guys for some questions. You can ask anything and I'll try my best to answer them all. So uh...fire away? Leave a comment below, tweet me, or email me! All's fine! x
When I stepped out of the exam room last Friday, it hit me that my long undergrad studies had taken its bow. Five years, ended with a (hopefully) well done exam on possibly my favourite subject taken in the past half decade. That's what it is, half a decade I've been in uni. And now I'm closing that door and moving on. Slightly unnerving.
Another day, another hijack. I'm sure you guys are not unfamiliar with Vanessa either. Dubbed 'Crazy Blush Lady' by yours truly, she's staying true to name and picking out the best picks to tint your cheeks for the upcoming months. Now I'll stop rambling and give the stage to her. -Daphne x
I've let some of my favourite people hijack the blog this week while I'm busy trying not to die under exams. I'm pretty sure you guys are already familiar with Jaye as I talk about her too often. An absolute sweetheart that has a makeup collection to drool for and a blog that's amazing beyond comprehension, she's taking over today with her favourite summer essentials. Now, I'll leave it to her while I go back to my hermit hole and do some last minute cramming. -Daphne
You guys put up with my rambling several times a week, so today we're turning tables (Adele anyone?) and the spotlight is on you guys today. I'm going to sit down next weekend post-exams and blueprint SoaD's future and I want to know what you guys want. After all, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for each and every one of your support.
It's quite rare to see my nails bare on a regular occasion. Unless I'm extremely busy or about to leave for vacation, if a nail colour has a hint of chipping, then chances are I'm going to be giving myself a manicure that evening. With the torture that I put my nails through, it wasn't a surprise that my nails were peeling, brittle, and sad to a ridiculous level a couple months back. It was the vicious cycle of nails looking terrible, hence cover it up with pretty colours, resulting in nails degrading...etc. It came to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore and set myself on the mission of finding redemption for my poor, tortured talons. (really, Daphne? talons?)
...said Katy after she practically virtually wrangled me into buying my first ever proper fragrance. As shock horror as it seems, I've never owned a proper perfume before this. I think the only thing resembling 'a glass bottle of liquid with the sole purpose of making one smell good' was the Bath and Body Works White Citrus Perfume. I just never thought that I needed to spend a bucket load of money to make myself smell good when I had a constant stream of compliments on how well I smelled. No seriously, you don't understand, I had a friend in highschool that would come up and sniff me everyday. I'm not making this up, and my high school didn't accept students in forms of dogs.
Ah, May. As always, you were a complicated month, full of its ups and downs, but what would life be without the ride, eh? It's more of self-comforting than encouraging, but whatever you walk away with... I thought I was going to have a hard time coming up with favourites for the month as I haven't had time to play around that much, but whacha know, still came up with more than the average half dozen! I'm a constant surprise to myself.