Things I Actually Used in My Travel Makeup Bag...
I've never actually seen one of these posts?
I thought it would be fun to review the contents of my travel makeup bag and see which items I really used during the week-long vacation and which items were the consequences of overpacking.
Things I Used
Benefit the POREfessional
I'm feeling a bit uneasy at putting this in the things I used category since I only used a tiny dab of it the first day I was there. Then I realized that my skin didn't really get oily in MN early May weather so I just skipped it the next few days.
Benefit That Gal Brightening Face Primer
I looked quite sallow during the week due to my messed up sleeping pattern, result of jet lag. This definitely helped me look a lot better.
Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation in Medium Ivory
I broke out quite a bit my week there. Mostly because of the plane ride and the 40 hours without sleep (can't sleep on plane + power through the first day) so this offered medium coverage. I could've built it up to full coverage but I don't really mind a few spots showing as long as the overall result it okay.
Bobbi Brown Corrector in Peach
This prevented me to not look like a walking zombie.
Bobbi Brown Concealer Kit in Light Beige
Another one of those products that I only used once. I didn't really need the powder in the kit because I didn't need to set my foundation. And for most days, I used the Concealer Stick to cover the undereye circles.
Bourjois Concealer Stick in 51
Not the best coverage in the world but it's quick and easy to use. Paired with the corrector, I think it's enough for everyday use.
Benefit Creaseless Shadow in My Two Cents
I used this for the first two days. And then I started trial testing the Maybelline Color Tattoos, which are amazing!
A brown-ish eyebrow pencil
A brown-ish eyebrow pencil
Another one of those used only once products. My eyebrows were looking quite well that week. Most of the time, I only used the spoolie at the end to comb through my brows.
Smith's Minted Rose Lip Blam
This baby was an absolute life saver! The plane ride and the dry weather in MN left my lips quite chapped, and this was the only thing that prevented me from peeling the dead skin away.
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Honey
I love how this is in a crayon-twist-up that's quick and easy to use on the go. Plus, it's a stain so I didn't have to keep reapplying it.
Sigma F80
I seriously cannot praise this brush more. Even when my skin was all bumpy with acne, this applied my foundation on like a dream.
MAC 217
I didn't start using this until quite late into the week when I used this to blend out the edges of the color tattoo when I accidentally applied too much.
Eyelash Curler
Even on the days when I didn't use mascara, I still curled my eyelashes just for the more awake look.
Consequences of Overpacking
Maybelline Master Liner
I was too lazy to do my eyeliner.
MAC Powepint Eye Pencil in Stubborn Brown
Same goes for the lower lash liner. I wasn't in the mood for a stronger, more defined look.
Maybelline The Falsies Waterproof Mascara
The only reason I didn't use this was because I went shopping at Target the first night there and came out with half a dozen mascaras....
Revlon Lip Butter in Sugar Plum
Too much a hassle and I didn't do anything special that required a darker lip color.
Sigma F86
I just blended my undereye concealer either with my finger or the F80...
MAC 231
I didn't even think to use this brush. It was actually lost in my bag for the first few days before I remembered I had brought it with me...
So it is just me or does everyone overpack when they go on vacations?
But I must say, I'm quite happy with the results. I used almost everything that I brought with me!