some useful websites to bookmark
- 25.2.14
The past two weeks have been a good mixture of eventful and mundane. But hey, life can't always be fireworks and parties (says the person that is too lazy to drag herself to a party), right?
Such a food title. I've been playing with colors more in the past months, starting with baby steps from neutral purples to brighter greens, before finally elevating to incorporating MAC Cranberry into a wearable daytime look. This was also the look that I wore to Hadley Fraser's gig on Sunday, I was originally planning on making a chit chat Get Ready With Me video, but alas, I was feeling sick and well, when talking about Hadley, I wasn't sure if I could concentrate on putting on my makeup. So here's the text breakdown for you guys.
It's Nice To Have You Around
- 17.2.14
I have a lot of brushes. Possibly more than I'll ever need. I'd be lying if I said that all of them were essential, but that said, there are several brushes in my collection that, while not essential, are very nice to have around.
Currently Loving #6
- 16.2.14
I haven't done one of these in ages! There's going to be a slight change on the blog regarding my Sunday schedule - I plan to alternate between The Update and Currently Loving so hopefully, this series will be updated more frequently and I won't be under the stress to put forward The Update every Sunday when I'm stressing over unfinished school work. Bad planning on my part.
Let's Get Nude
- 14.2.14
I knew that title would suck some of you pervy minds in...(it's okay, I'm not judging) Anyway, we are not going to talk about the frick fracks. That's for another blog on another site written by another blogger. Definitely not me. *cough* I think I should stop digging a hole that'll later collapse in on itself with me at the bottom. This is probably as close to a valentine's theme that subgenre will get, and I'm going hard core to the sexy times. Happy St.Valentines?
This seems to be one of those products that just exploded in popularity overnight, so naturally, there were some of you that wanted reviews when I showed this in the Tarte haul post (read here). I've been using this religiously for three weeks now and it's more than safe to say I'm completely head over tail in love.
Oh right, my face was unedited in these photos as I wanted to display the actual results of the product. That means, spots and everything.
[The Video] Oops! TMI!
- 10.2.14
Oh man, I should up my time management skills. It’s been the second consecutive time since I’ve been late for the weekly update. I was debating myself into making this a bi-weekly thing, to balance with my school schedule and such. Would there be a mini riot if I did that?
Anyway, let’s move on.Last was a relatively quiet one with episodes in between. Mainly it was school and readings. I have so many readings piled up but I still find time to catch up on old episodes of Criminal Minds. I really need to get my priorities straight.
Oh Tarte! Why can't we just be happy together? I really don't like this long distance relationship thing we have going on. Our story starts a couple years back. People were talking and through their descriptions, I fell in love with Tarte, but it was always from a distance. I never had the chance to see Tarte vis-a-vis (a fancy word for 'face to face'). Not until last year when I finally made a trip halfway across the world and was finally able to understand the love that everyone had for Tarte. I left with a small bit of Tarte and continued to love from afar, all the time aching for more. Two years later, I wasn't satisfied with what I got, I needed more. So long story short, I put my mind to it, found a way around the barriers blocking my relationship with Tarte, and finally had a little more of it in my life.
The Go-To Face
- 5.2.14
There are those days when you just can't be bothered. You know what I mean, right? The days when I wake up in haze, have zilch motivation, and still have to look composed to reluctantly tackle the day. During these days, the uniform is jeans and a jumper; the makeup is harder to determine as I have so many options on hand. But thankfully, a few too many of these groggy days and I have myself a handful of products that are my go-to.
A Base For Every Occasion
- 3.2.14
[Jouer Matte Moisture Tint | NARS Sheer Glow | Vichy Dermablemd
Considering I only have one face, I have way too many foundations. I don't need anymore bases of any sort, but I just can't stop myself from buying more? I have a problem. There, I said it. Admitting is the first step right? Confession time aside, for those days when I don't want to spend 5 minutes alone picking which base offering I'm in the mood for, I've already established several go-to bases, depending on the state of my skin.