The Goodnight Routine


I don't sleep very well. Well, I didn't sleep really well when I was back in Taiwan. I don't know if it's the change of the climate, or that I'm exhausted at the end of the day, but I haven't had that many sleeping problems since moving here. It could also be because I've developed a routine to prep my brain for sleeping. 
I've heard that if you set down a routine, then you can eventually "train" your brain to fall asleep - for those that either did marketing or psychology, think clasical conditioning. Anyways, I think I've set that routine down and in the last three weeks, I've only had trouble sleeping once. A strong cup of jasmine green tea might've been the culprit for that night.  I start by lighting up my Yankee Candle in Lilac Blossoms. For some reasons, lilac registered in my mind as lavender when I bought this, and I thought that because lavender had soothing powers, this would be the perfect good night candle. I was so confused when it arrived. But the soft floarl scent that secrely fills the room within minutes of lighting is really calming and instantly starts zoning my brain towards sleep mode. I like to take my showers before I'm about to go to bed, so applying moisturizer and hand cream is usually saved for when I'm in my jammies and propped on my bed, ready to turn in for the night. At the moment, I'm using the Satsuma Body Butter from The Body Shop. It's the first time I've ever heard of this scent, but holy moly, the sweet citrus scent is AMAZING. I almost want to go back and grab the body spray from the line! And to somewhat fool my brain further into sleep mode, the hand cream of choice, Jurlique Lavender Hand Cream is that touch of lavender I need. I also use eyedrops before bed as my eyes tend to dry out during the day from staring at the computer and texts too long. And if I'm still awake at this point, I like to read a chapter (or two) on my Kindle. I try not to go for books that are thrilling as I've had a couple dozen experiences in which I flipped page after page and was eventually greeted by the sun coming out again. Currently, I'm still reading North and South. I haven't managed to get through more than a couple chapters since I mentioned this book. Mostly because I haven't had much time, and also partially because I know the next couple is going to be heartbreaking. Everything is happy in the end, but to see your babies go through such torment is just agonizing! Ugh! Okay, I'll stop now. But really, read the book. If you don't want to, you can watch the tv drama that BBC did a couple years back starring Richard Armitage.
Anywho, back to the post. So that's my goodnight routine. Do you have one, or are you one of those lucky people that can sleep anywhere anytime?
On a side note, I love it when you bid someone good night and they respond with a sleep well. I mean, how sweet is that?

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