[tag] Crazy About Lipstick tag
I'm still finding my way through life in London so blogging will be on the backburner for a while now.
Last week, Kallie from But First, Coffee tagged me for the "Crazy About Lipstick Tag". Two months ago, I wouldn't be able to do this tag. I wouldn't even be interested in this tag. But with the amount of lipstick reviews that have been popping up on my blog as of late, I'm sure you'll have realized that the "no lipstick" life has changed.
1. How many lipsticks do you own?
I thought I had a lot, but hey, I only brought 9+1 with me to London! (the +1 is my mom's old Estee Lauder lipstick that I'm bringing along with me in hope to find a color dupe)
2. What was your first lipstick?
Do lip butters count as lipsticks? I don't think they do, but in case they count, I got Sugar Plum and Macaroon with my mom when we went shopping at Watsons last October. Otherwise, my first lipstick was MAC Coral Bliss (review here) from back in July.
3. What is your most worn lipstick?
3. What is your most worn lipstick?
Probably MAC See Sheer (review here) or Revlon Coral Berry (review here).
4. What is your favorite brand of lipstick?
4. What is your favorite brand of lipstick?
I haven't tried out a lot of lipstick brands of late, but Revlon has been a winner so far. The Super Lustrous Lipsticks are divine! MAC lipsticks are great, but some of them tend to go on patchy on flaky, dry lips.
5. What is your favorite finish?
5. What is your favorite finish?
I'm boring with this question, as I quite like the creemsheen finish that everyone else seems also to like. I shudder at glossy finishes as they always conjure up bad memories from second grade involving cheap lipgloss. I really want to try a good matte finish, the MAC Retro Finishes have been catching my eye.
6. What is the last lip product you bought?
6. What is the last lip product you bought?
The day before I left Taiwan, I went to Watsons one last time and fell heads over heels for Revlon Pink Velvet, a beautiful rosy pink shade with a slight blue undertone. I was tempted to buy it but my friend kept convincing me to get it. So I caved, and when I went to the counter, I found out that I had enough Watsons points to get this for free! I've yet to wear it but I'll report back when I do.
7. How many lip products (everything) do you currently have in your handbag?
7. How many lip products (everything) do you currently have in your handbag?
As most of my lipsticks are still stashed in my luggage, I only have my Smith's Minted Rose Lip Balm in my bag as it was the one that I used on the flight.
8. What lip product do you use to rock a red lip?
8. What lip product do you use to rock a red lip?
Eh, I only have one red lipstick in my stash and have only worn this at home, in the hidden corners of the bathroom. But I tried applying this freehanded and it was a major fail. I took the lipbrush that I got from my mom's old stash and it worked a lot better.
9. How do you store your lipsticks?
9. How do you store your lipsticks?
I used to keep them standing up in a small container when I was back in Taiwan with their names facing up. As for the bullet shaped MAC lipsticks, they were always stored in their boxes with the names facing up. I have no idea how I'm going to store these when I move into my dorm. Still working things out on that front.
10. What lip products are you currently lusting after?
10. What lip products are you currently lusting after?
Well, there's MAC Impassioned and Plumful. And I also want to try the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks, and the Topshop lipsticks. I've also been lusting after Tarte Glamazon Pure Performance 12-Hour lipstick in Bold as well. It's like the list never ends.
I'm tagging a few people to do this tag, but even if I haven't tagged you and you want to do the tag, DO! And remember to leave me the link!
Imogen from the Bluebird & the Robin
Jessica from The Mod Mermaid
Lorilee from Lorilee's London
Vanessa from Citron and Guavaberry
What are your answers to these questions?