This Week #9
01. Wine, chocolate cake, just another typical day at work!
02. We took our "official" photos at work the other day! I always look ridiculously washed out in polaroids...
03. The amount of nail polishes flooding the editorial interns' table at work is getting out of hand! (Pictured is only the tip of the iceberg!)
04. Chanel 511 Pearl Drop, a gorgeous off-white pearly color that just had to look weird on me.
05. My friend's agenda made me smile.
06. Had to go in for my weekly doctor's appointment...Oh, and I had to undergo acupuncture this week.
07. A fellow intern that obnoxiously made this marking on the group calendar....(I'm actually looking forward to it, tho!)
08. The things that started off the whole "let's flood the table with nail polish" train.
09. Another polaroid I took earlier this week...still looking washed out..and lacking a nose. (that other adorable person is my baby sister)
10. One never gets too old for Pikachu!
I went through a down-phase late last week, feeling like I just couldn't do anything right. But some rest (and shopping therapy) later, I bounced back into this week feeling quite refreshed and newly motivated. Do you have those phases where you just start doubting yourself for no reason at all? If you do, don't hesitate to send me an email if you need someone to talk to!
How was your week?