The Skincare Tag
- 30.8.13
So. I was more than hesitant to do this tag because I don't feel like I'm anywhere near boarder line qualified to do anything related to skincare. BUT I was tagged by Zoe and Megan, two very lovely ladies, and I do feel that my skin has been improving quite a bit in the past couple of months, so I'm braving this tag.

The Radiant Glow
- 28.8.13
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you'll know that I go through a lot of phases. I used to crave a matte finish like it was no one's business. Anything that would oil control and leave me with a face matter than a concrete road (what even), it would definitely be on my wish list.
Starting Out: Skincare
- 27.8.13
After chatting with a couple makeup shy friends, I've been itching to do a "starter makeup kit" series for a while now. But stumbling upon #theSOproject tag on twitter, and a slight nudge from other bloggers, I decided to take part in the series. #theSOproject, or officially known as the Starting Out Project, was created by Stephanie over at Steph's Inside Voice. Spanning over 10 weeks, it's basically a huge makeup starter kit, covering skincare to foundations, from blushes to mascara. And this way, you'll be able to pick up one (or two) items a week, rather than going to Boots or Target and practically buying the whole makeup aisle because you need to "build up your collection all at once". Anywho, enough with the ramble and let's get on with the show!
Bright Eyed
- 26.8.13
Let's face it - getting eight hours of sleep is a luxury. These days, I mostly roll out of bed after hitting the snooze button a few to many times. Never mind feeling perky and alive, it's miraculous if I'm able to talk to you before my morning coffee. Well, that said, I can actually "talk" to you, I'm just not to be held responsible for any gibberish that'll come out of my mouth. Anyways, a better part of my morning makeup routine is to lie and cheat to the world that I did in fact, get my beauty sleep, so the bright eyed routine is very important for me.
Can you tell that I'm really excited for this guest post? I've been fangirling over Parisian To Be ever since I first stumbled upon it several months back. It's chic, it's witty, and Lillian is an absolutely doll who knows what she's talking about! I needed to have her on my blog! I never really obsessed over the city, but Lillian has a way of convincing me to love things I wouldn't otherwise. I'll stop rambling now and let you guys be wowed by her.
Bronze and Corals (FOTD #3)
- 23.8.13
After the wallet-breaking haul, I've been testing out a lot of my new products and have been sticking to a simple routine for the past week, as it's just one of those weeks where you can't find any motivation. Nothing. Zip. Nada. But I've been really liking this look, simple neutral eye look providing a blank canvas for me to play with lip colors.
It's like I have no impulse control. As I literally have no time to shop during the weekdays, when the weekend comes around and I drag myself out of the house, it's like I'm on a mission to see how quickly I can spend all the cash in my wallet. Since they're in my ever-growing stash, I thought I'd show you guys the results of me denting my wallet over the past couple weekends.

Hey lovelies! So today I have another guest post, this time it's brought to you by the lovely Lorilee from Lorilee's London. So I'll shut up at let her wow you with her post! Don't forget to hop over to her blog if you liked this!
2 weeks ago I stepped into Boots Oxford Street and nervously approached the Benefit counter. There were 3 Benefit assistants all applying more and more make up to their already caked faces. After noticing this I walked around the stand looking for a facial scrub, as there were more products on the stand that I could look at in one go. I bit the bullet and interrupted the assistants with their make up application and asked what was the best product to purchase for pores.
I picked up the Porefessional as the #bbloggers recommended it and the assistant recommended the Benefit Facial Polish. I tested it out on the shop floor and purchased them.
[Review] MAC See Sheer
- 16.8.13
Hi, my name's Daphne and I'm a converted lip junkie.
A month ago, I had a measly Lip Butter stash with two colors, one I didn't touch, and the other only applied once. But then something in me snapped and I picked up a MAC lipstick. And then I got two more. And then I got a couple more from Revlon, but that's a whole other story. Today, we're sticking to the MAC theme I've got set up.
(the weather's so hot, even my lipstick is sweating...)
Back to the 80s
- 14.8.13
I remember when I was a 9 and preparing to go to my friend's birthday sleep over, my mom handed me my backpack, the present with a huge pink bow, a bag of snacks, and a ziplock bag of some of her regrettable makeup purchases. Of course, I didn't know they were regrettable at the time, I was just completely fascinated by the sparkly disco ball-esque blue eyeshadow.
The Neutrals
- 12.8.13
I remember my first eyeshadow palette. It was a trio from Maybelline that had a pastel green, pastel yellow, and pastel purple. It was fun, it was pretty, and I thought that it was a palette that I would be able to use every day. And maybe because I was 15, I did try to rock that easter egg look...once. Before reason hit and I realized that I looked nothing short of a clown with all the colors and no idea how to apply eye shadow.
This Week #9
- 10.8.13
I know, I know. I'm sure some of you are already sick and tired about me not shutting up about the World Records, but it's just too cool. I'm personally not a big facial person, as of date. But I'm not writing that into stone as I change my mind quite easily.
Coral Kisses
- 5.8.13
Ask me a month back, and I'd tell you that the last post I could imagine myself doing was one that only included lip products. I've been on and on about how I'm not a big fan of lip products for so many posts, you guys are probably wondering what the heck is wrong with me. I talked about the story a few posts back when I posted about one of the lippies here, but long story short, one MAC lipstick dragged me into the whirlpool of lip products.
Yeah, okay, you guys are probably sick of me talking about Bourjois 1 Seconde Nail Polishes. I'd say I'm sick talking about them, but I'm not. They're just that good! They're the polishes I keep buying even though I keep telling myself to not buy nail polishes anymore since I'll have a hard time moving them across continents next month. I've been loving their Summer release, and of the 4 I own, I already did a review on two for my guest post over at A Scottish Lass. Today, I'm bringing you two more that I have been wearing nonstop since I got them.
You know those weeks that just seem to drag on and you're not sure what's going on anymore? Yeah, it was one of those weeks. But the weekend's here, I had a lovely Saturday shopping with my mom. Retail therapy, that's the cure for an up and down week.
USA Beauty Swap
- 1.8.13
You know how there are certain things you feel like you NEED to do to be part of a group?
International swaps was always one of those things on my list. I always thought that it would come probably a year later....or at least longer down the road. But Kallie was looking for a swap and I thought, why not?
So after countless emails going back and forth and a lot of time shopping and waiting, LOOK WHAT FINALLY CAME! I came home to this after a long day at my internship and it was the best "YAY YOU SURVIVED THE DAY" gift ever!
(Don't forget to hop over and see what I got Kallie on her blog here)
(Don't forget to hop over and see what I got Kallie on her blog here)