my two cents: surviving uni
- 18.1.15
Yes, yes, I know, 5 years and 3 schools sound excessive, but let me break it down for you. Uni back home has a standard of 4 years, like the American system. Not ready to go into the big bad world just yet, I spent the last year in London doing an extra year. Back between my freshman and sophomore year, I did a summer term at UC Berkeley. Now? I officially put uni behind me over the summer and I'm back in London - yes, studying. So if there's one thing that I can say I kinda know what I'm doing, I suppose it would be on how to survive uni.
I had my fair share of red lips and smoky eyes in the month of December. But now that it's the start of the year and the school bells have gone ringing again, I'm falling back into a staple routine of quick and simple. I don't have to go into uni quite as often as last term but the days are much longer. I have an average of 11-hour days before I can take my makeup off again so other than being quick, longevity is also a must.
- 13.1.15
in rotation #18
- 11.1.15
A new year and a heck load of new products. Okay, well, not a heck load and only one thing was actually bought in this year. So basically, I lied. But let's just breeze over that and get to the products that have been accompanying me through the holidays, up to Scotland, and back to London for my last week of break (aka DEATH WEEK - the self-produced consequence of being less productive than a rock for the first 3 weeks of break).
best 2014 beauty finds
- 9.1.15
I'd like to think I was a lot more reserved in splurging this year compared to the last, but let's face it - I was throwing my money at every other product on the shelves until I realized that I was supposed to be living to the poor student stereotype. After that realization hit, I've started to really step up my game in finding worthy products. After a fierce competition and some graph charts involved, these are the victorious finds of the past 12 months.
the favourite 2014 posts
- 6.1.15
Whether you joined in my little cult from the beginning or halfway through, thank you for putting up with my nonsense babbling the whole last year - for those of you that have decided that my sometimes-questionable posts are still worth taking up your time in the new year, here's a bucket-load of chocolate chip cookies for you! I thought I'd do a roundup of the popular posts of 2014, just in case you missed any or (by any chance) want to relive my chatter.
hello, 2015.
- 2.1.15