8. Getting an email from an old friend asking for life advice because I seem to 'have my life together' - that was a great confidence boost as I have no clue what I'm doing with my life.
9. Officially graduating and saying goodbye to five years of undergrad.
10. Seeing this girl the day before I had to fly back to London.
17. Meeting Hadley again after finally seeing him in a musical (City of Angels) and having a proper chat with him without word-vomiting or on the verge of tears.
18. Spending time with the guys when they came back to London for graduation.
19. Christmas and New Year's with my girl in Edinburgh.
22. Spending Easter Weekend at Jaye's, complete with beachside walks and delicious burgers.
23. Office hours with my favourite lecturer and him offering to be my reference come needed (he also looks like Benedict Cumberbatch and has a wicked and nerdy sense of humour).
Oh man, I'm turning 24. Although I suppose have turned would be a more accurate term. 24. Twenty four. Two dozen. Or how some people bulk buy eggs. Can you tell I'm slowly losing my mind? This is my last year I get to tell people I'm in my early twenties - this seems to be the year that I really really really need to start getting my life together to resemble an 'adult'. Someone tell me how to adult.