[the update] seven days, seven photos ed.2


The morning was spent running around half of Taipei, scrummaging together the last minute paperwork needed to file for my student visa. Thankfully, it all went well. And I was feeling particularly artistic that rainy evening to squat down at the side of the road and take this shot. 

Cramps, you suck. But it promises an afternoon of old Law and Order: SVU reruns while curled up in jammies. 

A colourful, slightly hipster outfit to try and boost the down brought on by cramps. Also went to watch Lucy with my sister - it was an intriguing concept movie. And if you want to see a glimpse of what the streets of Taipei look like, the majority of the movie was shot here. Just note that mob-related butcherings aren't a norm at the five star hotels here. 

HADLEY FINALLY RELEASED HIS EP, Just Let Go. It wasn't meant to be released for another couple of weeks, but this man just decided to let it go without warning. I've been listening to it on repeat since then and But For Me has a soft spot in my heart. If you haven't already, you should go listen to it here, and maybe buy it. 

After years of hesitating and freaking myself out, I finally got my cartilage pierced. I managed to talk a friend into piercing it with me. Three days later, I can barely feel the new intrusion and quite frankly, the aftercare isn't too much of a pain. *knocks on wood*

Ah, hot pot, I've missed you so much.

I have a shitty ankle. This time it had to undergo acupuncture. I never dare move when there are four needles sticking out of my joints. 

I only have a little under two weeks left in Taiwan and while I'm more than ecstatic to return to London, I'm a bit sentimental of leaving my family again. The next two weeks, I'm supposing will be a lot of food dates, downtime with family, and of course, getting some last minute stuff done - because is there any other kind? 

What have you been up to lately? 
With Love, 
Daphne x