Here's the thing, despite being someone that blogs about a ridiculous amount of makeup, I'm not a person to actually have the stuff on me. That said, I was looking for my bus pass the other day and with a sudden stop, half of my bag's contents were spilling all over the floor. It was a good thing that the bus was relatively empty and my ninja foot skills stopped the objects rolling to the bus driver in front. It wasn't until then did I realize that the amount of lip products that I was lugging around in my bag was ridiculous.
NARS has always been one of those brands that everyone loves while I was standing on my toes, trying to get a glimpse of what the fuss was about. Being on a makeup buying low for the quarter of the year, I never thought that I would actually break and go hit up a makeup counter any time soon. But what can I say, it was warranted by the situation.
The morning was spent running around half of Taipei, scrummaging together the last minute paperwork needed to file for my student visa. Thankfully, it all went well. And I was feeling particularly artistic that rainy evening to squat down at the side of the road and take this shot.
Oh summer, I'm in a love/hate relationship with thee. On one hand, the sun is glorious. On the other, well, if you've spent summer in a big city in tropical Asia, you'll realize living in a sauna everyday isn't as romantic as it seems. I have a selection of products that will help me get through these unbearable days while looking like I've somewhat put in some effort.
I've been on a shopping dry for the past several months - beauty and fashion wise. I thought I was happy with my closet components, I thought I could keep clothes shopping to a minimum. But once upon an afternoon, my mum and I went to Zara and while I walked out without actually buying anything, I had racked up a mental 'please magically appear in my closet' list.
It was a NARS kinda day. Rocking red lips on the streets in Taipei is definitely a surefire way to get people turning heads - the douche ones will try to pick you up while you just want to get your cup of coffee.
I'm a person that appreciates the electronic era - especially as I tend to get a bit too shutter happy and end up with 50 photos of the same scene. Which, if done with a traditional film camera, would be a economical and environmental waste. But that said, while I have memory cards worth of digital photos, there are still memories that I like to print out and keep around - whether to decorate the bare walls of a new dorm, or to just keep in my journal to look at every now and then.
I am possibly the worst granddaughter ever - I can count the times I've been to my grandparent's house since returning from America slightly over a decade ago. Another tick was added to my grandchild points when we made way down south for my grandmother's birthday.
Between finding out that I might not be able to travel back to London as originally planned - which would cause a domino effect on plans for the following couple weeks, having a painful 2-day migraine while still having to power through my schedule, and the WiFi in the house throwing a tantrum every two seconds, the past week definitely wasn't the best one. I needed some reminders that life isn't as bad as it seems, and since the last little things seemed to go down well with you guys, here's the second installation.
-to spend more time thinking about something than is necessary or productive
"Your brain is going to end up your worst enemy." My mum repeated this sentence like a broken record for as long as I could remember. A fast reader and always top of my class, I was often described as 'clever' and 'smart' since I started school. I thought that was what my mum meant when she kept echoing the same sentence. It took me years to realize that being smart wasn't the case - or at least not in the way I thought it was.