I thought I'd give you guys an update on recent events. Firstly, thank you for the supporting comments and tweets that you guys gave me after my 'taking a break' announcement. I might have had a little sentimental moment in the privates of my room when I read each kind word. You guys have no idea how much it means and I'm hoping to gather myself together and get back to blogging soon.
Secondly, if you follow me on instagram, you'll know that I made a 17-hour trip halfway across the world back to Taiwan. This was one of the reasons I decided to take a short break from blogging as I wasn't sure I could be able to juggle SoaD during my time here and didn't want to produce less than average posts. I'll be here for six weeks: dealing with an abundant amount of paperwork, meeting up with friends, and of course, spending time with family.
I've had my share of flights, with 95% of them being long-haul flights, so you'd think that I'd be used to the concept of sitting for 12+ hours, travelling through time and space (so TARDIS-y, am I right, fellow Whovians?). But pre-travelling stress always gets the best of me: preparing to sleep and jolting up to check if I remembered to pack my passport, or have all the charging cords for the half million electronics I own. It's a miracle if I get any sleep at all the night before - that paired with the normal, literally, sleepless 17-hour flights, usually results in pure exhaustion and borderline hysteria as I go near 40 hours sans sleep. This time, if following the pattern, I'd be pushing near 60 hours before stepping foot in Taiwan.
Fortunately, I was pretty lucky and managed to get a couple hours of sleep the night before and another couple here and there on the flight. Trust me when I say this has never happened before. I had less a challenge adjusting to the time difference as it was near midnight when I got back home - a quick shower later, I was already curled up and oblivious to the world. It's been two weeks and I'm more or less adjusted - granted, I get exhausted around 9pm and end up needing to distract myself till midnight before I can crawl into bed. Otherwise I'll end up waking at 1am and not being able to close my eyes till the crack of dawn - not good.
I still have a lot of paperwork to finish and even more procedural processes to run through before I can fully relax. But for now, I'm going to go to brunch with old friends, skype my people back in London, and go down south to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.
Unfortunately, SoaD is not going to be back on the regular blogging schedule yet. But if you guys want, I could try and have some lifestyle posts scattered throughout the month I'm here on the other side of the world - just holler.
Again, thank you all for sticking with me through this break - while I deal with life details and personal issues. I'll be back soon. Promise.