It's hard being young - it is one of the toughest times in your life exactly because you have zero life experience. You have nothing to compare against what you are going through and you will be tied up in the events that seem to take over your whole world. The reason that hindsight is 20/20 is because you gained life experience, you've gone through hardships that you can hold up as standards. Being young is hard and you've survived it. You've made it this far and you will make it further. I've survived for over 24 years and these are some things that I would like to tell myself if timetravel was possible.
I've always loved the idea of clashing elements, especially when it comes to fashion. You'll rarely find me in anything other than casual wear, but at the same time, whether it be shoes or accessories, I'll throw in a bit of something to mix up the whole look. One of my favourite ways of chic-ing up a casual day is throwing on a red lipstick, but in a casual, effortless 'I really didn't try that hard' way. It's definitely not the easiest thing to do as red lipstick tends to equate classic, high maintenance, and fancy. Almost too fancy sometimes. But after loads of experimenting and some lessons from Lisa Eldridge, I would like to think I've nailed down the how to.
Long distance friendships have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember so making friends through blogging fitted perfectly into this framework. The small fact that I have a much cooler online personality also helps with that aspect. Anyway. I was lucky enough to get to know Ilia who also has a similar background of country-hopping while growing up. Other than our shared love of Hannibal and Sherlock, Ilia comes from Sardinia and is now living in Switzerland - two of my favourite places. We were emailing back and forth for a while before we decided to send out foreign aid to each other mainly composed of food. There was a bit of a hiccup with the Swiss post, but thankfully Ilia's package arrived safely, and just a week before my exams so it was more than a lovely surprise! Remember to hop over to Ilia's blog and see what I sent her.
May has been the month of intense procrastination, being buried in papers and books, stressing out over not remembering enough for exams, and living in sweats. I can count the number of times I've been dressed appropriately enough for public presentation the past month and slapping on some makeup so people can stop telling me that I look tired.